This is the list of all known Mini-Cons from the Transformers toy line and other series.
Partnered Mini-Cons[]
- Leader-1 / Clench - Assault Truck (Megatron / Galvatron)
- Sparkplug / Corona Sparkplug - Lamborghini (Super Optimus Prime)
- Crumplezone - Tank / Helicopter Nose (Cyclonus)
- Blackout - Radar Truck (Demolishor)
- Inferno - Missile Truck (Thrust)
- Swindle / Zapmaster - F-1 Racer (Starscream / Thundercracker)
- Ramjet - Carrier-Borne Jet (Tidal Wave)
- Thunderclash - Futuristic Jet (Skywarp)
- Wind Sheer - F-117 Nighthawk (Wheeljack)
- Jolt - Helicopter (Hot Shot)
- Rollbar - Dune Buggy (Scavenger)
- Liftor - Forklift (Smokescreen)
- Nightbeat - Motorcycle (Sideswipe)
- Incinerator - Dragster (Blurr)
- Longarm - Crane (Red Alert)
- Comettor - Lunar Rover (Jetfire)
- Over-Run / Run-Over - Rifle / Jet (Deluxe Optimus Prime / Nemesis Prime)
- Refute - Mobile Car Crusher (Hoist)
- Rollout - Heavy Duty Truck / Overload's Head
- Rook - Sideways' Autobot Head
- Crosswise - Sideways' Decepticon Head
- Rook and Crosswise combine to form a larger robot, the name is mirror, Sideway's "driver" in vehicle mode.
- Dead-End - Moon (Unicron)
Team Mini-Cons[]
Air Defense Team / Air Assault Team[]
- Runway - Boeing Sonic Cruiser
- Jetstorm - Concorde
- Sonar - VentureStar
- Combined to form Star Saber/Dark Saber
Street Action Team[]
- High Wire - Bicycle
- Grindor - Scooter
- Sureshock - Skateboard
- Combined to form Perceptor
Race Team[]
- Dirt Boss - Rally SUV
- Mirage - F-1 Racer
- Downshift - Audi R8
- Combined to form the Skyboom Shield (recolored as Road Assault Team)
Space Team[]
- Sky Blast - Saturn V
- Payload - Rocket Transport
- Astroscope - Space Station
- Combined to form Requiem Blaster
Land Military Team[]
- Wreckage - Missile Tank
- Bonecrusher - Missile Launcher
- Knock-Out - Battle Truck
- Recolored as the Night Attack Team
Destruction Team[]
- Dualor - Assault Tank
- Drillbit - Drill Tank
- Buzzsaw - Stripmining Vehicle
- Recolored as Road Wrecker Team
Sea Team[]
- Oceanglide - Solar-powered Boat
- Waterlog - Hovercraft
- Stormcloud - Attack Boat
Air Military Team[]
- Terradive - SR-71 Blackbird / Dagger
- Thunderwing - B-2 Bomber / Chinese Star
- Gunbarrel - C-130 Hercules / Gatling Gun
Emergency Team[]
- Firebot - Fire Truck / Missile Launcher
- Prowl - Police Car / Bazooka
- Makeshift - V-22 Osprey / Vulcan Cannon
Adventure Team[]
- Iceberg - Ice Bulldozer
- Dune Runner - Assault Buggy
- Ransack - Pick-Up Truck
Street Speed Team[]
- Oval - Saleen S7
- Backtrack - Cadillac XLR
- Spiral - Mercedes C230
Linkage Mini-Comic[]
These Mini-Cons were featured in the Linkage Mini-comic released with the Japanese DVDs for Transformers: Micron Legend(Armada). Each DVD came with an issue of the mini-comic, plus one of the Mini-Cons listed below.
Super Stunt Team[]
- Flat-Out - Saleen S7
- Redline - Cadillac LXR
- Servo - Mercedes C-class
Speed Chaser Team[]
- Midship - Rally SUV
- Tailslide - Grand Touring racer
- Top Gear - F-1 Racer
Sonic Assault Team[]
- Falcia - SR-71 Blackbird
- Combusta - C-130 Hercules
- Twirl - B-2 Bomber
Aqua Raider Team[]
- Bilge - Attack Boat
- Freeboot - Hovercraft
- Sunburn - Solar-powered Boat
Hazard Team[]
- Quench - Fire Truck
- Kingbolt - Police Car
- Impulsor - V-22 Osprey
Video Game Minicons[]
Instead of listing alt modes, the acquired ability will be listed
Red Team[]
- Safeguard - Basic Armour
- Lock-On - Homing Missiles
- Slapshot - Grenade Launcher
- Highgear - Dash Ability
- Skirmish - Heavy Blaster
- Smackdown - Super Melee
- Jumpstart - Heavy Arc Gun
Blue Team[]
- Overwatch-Impact Gun
- Claymore - Proximity Mines
- Hawkeye - Thermal Vision
- Hailstorm - Quad Rocket Launcher
- Twister - Energon Tornado
- Covert - Invisibility
- Aurora - Heavy Ribbon Beam
- Highjump - Jump Upgrade
- Stronghold - Heavy Armor
- Shockpunch - Force Field
- Shieldwall - Missile Shield
Green Team[]
- Rangefinder - Range Enhancer
- Failsafe - Heavy Homing Missile
- Pressurepoint - Melee Upgrade
- Flashbang - Dual Rocket Launcher
- Lookout - Sniper Rifle
- Buildup - Automatic Repair
- Knockdown - EMP Cannon
- Tractor - Tractor Beam
- Bulletproof - Medium Armor
- Kickback - Reflecting Shield
- Corona - Super Ribbon Beam
- Aftershock - Super Cannon
Gold Team[]
- Deflector - Energy Shield
- Firefight - Super Blaster
- Slipstream - Glider Adapter
- Fullspeed - Super Dash
Purple Team[]
- Watchdog - Limpet Mines
- Sparkjump - Arc Gun
- Airburst - Flak Cannon
- Comeback - Auto Resurrection
- Discord - AI Scrambler
- Shepherd - Mini-Con Finder
Street Action Team[]
- High Wire - Dirtbike
- Grindor - Hoverboard
- Sureshock - ATV
- Combined to form Energon Perceptor
Air Defense Team[]
- Wreckage - XB-70 Valkyrie
- Scattor - Concorde
- Skyboom - Space Plane
- Combined to form Energon Saber
Micron Booster Ver. 1[]
- Chrome - Metallc chromed redeco of Armada Corona Sparkplug.
- Thyristor - Blue and red redeco of Armada Corona Sparkplug. Given the English name Road Rebel.
- Synapse - Orange and blue redeco of Armada Corona Sparkplug.
- Lens - Redeco of Energon Skyboom.
- Quantum - Redeco of Energon Scattor.
- Beacon - Redeco of Energon Wreckage. Given the English name Snowblind.
- Mile - Redeco of Armada Stormcloud.
- Hover - Redeco of Armada Waterlog.
- Solar - Green and yellow redeco of Armada Oceanglide.
- Torque - Redeco of Armada Ransack in blue, black and white.
- Crunch - Orange redeco of Armada Dune Runner.
- Spoil - Purple and black redeco of Armada Iceberg.
Micron Booster Ver. 2[]
- Saber
- Processor
- Triac
- Effect
- Seeker
- Blitz
- Cluster
- Rotor
- Groove
- Brake
- Damper
- Filter
Partnered Mini-Cons[]
- Safeguard - Space Jet (Vector Prime)
- Drillbit - Drill Truck (Metroplex)
- Heavy Load - Dump Truck (Menasor)
- Stripmine - Drill Truck (Quickmix)
Team Mini-Cons[]
Recon Team[]
- Jolt - Light-Utility Helicopter
- Six-Speed - Race Car
- Reverb - Pick-Up Truck
Street Speed Team[]
- Spiral - Sports Car
- Oval - Sports Car
- Backtrack - Sports Car
Giant Planet Team[]
- Deepdive - Submarine
- Longarm - Construction Vehicle
- Overcast - Transport Plane
Decepticon VS Autobot Teams[]
- Sky Lynx - Jet VS * Thunderblast - Missile Launcher
- Razorclaw - Modified Airjet VS *Steamhammer - Attack Truck
- Shockwave - Cybertronian Jet VS * Tankor - Battle Tank
- Kobushi - Assault Buggy VS *Landslide - Assault Tank
- Payload - Pick-Up Truck VS *Ascentor - Drill Tank
- Scattorbrain - Snow Plow VS *Monocle - Stripmining Vehicle
- Thrust - Jet VS *Anti Blaze - Fire Truck
- Sunstorm - Jet VS *checkpoint - Police Car
- Ramjet - Jet VS *Scythe - Osprey
- Blastcharge - Space Truck VS *High Wire - Motorcycle
- Backblast - Rocket VS *Sureshock - ATV
- Scrap Iron - Laser Cannon VS *Grindor - Flying Hovercraft
Micron Booster Ver. 3[]
- Bug General
- Bug Drone
- Gauge
- Clamp
- Trigger (renamed Heavy Barrel in U.S. fiction)
- Wrench
- Socket
- Plier
- Bit
- Dice
- Jack
- Plug
Transformers: Classics[]
Team Mini-Cons[]
Dinobots Team[]
- Knockdown - Triceratops
- Terrorsaur - Tyrannosaurus Rex
- Swoop - Pteranodon
Night Rescue Team[]

Classic Firebot
- Strongarm - Police Car
- Divebomb - Police Helicopter (team leader)
- Firebot - Firetruck (new mold)
Demolition Team[]
Predator Attack Team[]
Dirt Digger Team[]
- Oil Slick - Muscle Car
- Dirt Rocket - Dirt Bike
- Grindor - Monster Truck
Clear Skies Team[]
- Thunderwing - F-14
- Steel Wind - A-10
- Nightscream - European Dragon
Micron Booster Ver. 4[]
- Radrogue
- Gredator
- Apexis
- Windrazor
- Gnashteeth
- Reptix
- Ironlunge
- Refuser
- Rockblade
- Detectus
- Chromebite
Transformers: Universe[]
Safeguard Team[]
- Flatfoot
- Heavytread
- Makeshift
Overcast Team[]
- Cloudraker
- Boltflash
- Skyhammer
Landslide Team[]
- Knockdown
- Backstop
- Body Block
Ransack Team[]
- Blight
- Brimstone
- Suppressor
Transformers: Reveal the Shield[]
- Nightstick (Cyclonus)
Transformers: Power Core Combiners[]
- Caliburst - Artillery Cannon / Rifle (Huffer)
- Backwind - Light Assembly / Rifle (Searchlight)
- Chopster - Axe / Gun (Smolder)
- Chainclaw - Missile Pod / Gun (Icepick)
- Pinpoint - Engine / Gun (Leadfoot)
- Throttler - Drill Weapon
- Razorbeam - recolor of Chopster
- Beacon - recolor of Backwind
- Darkray - recolor of Caliburst
- Groundspike
- Airlift
- Bomb-Burst - recolor of Chainclaw
- Waterlog - Gun (Undertow)
Transformers: Prime[]
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