Template:Plot Template:In-universe Brawl is the name given to several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. He is sometimes called "Decepticon Brawl" in the toy line for trademark purposes.
Transformers: Generation 1
Brawl | |
![]() Brawl toy | |
Autobot/Decepticon | |
Information | |
Sub-group(s) | Combaticons, Elite Guard, Scouts |
Function | Ground Assault |
Partners | Onslaught, Swindle, Blast Off, and Vortex |
Motto | "I was built to be wild." |
Alternate Modes | Leopard 1 tank, Cybertronian tank, Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard |
Series | Transformers: Generation 1 Transformers: Generation 2 Transformers: Universe |
Japanese voice actor | Masashi Ebara |
English voice actor | Tony St. James |
Brawl originally appeared as a group of five Decepticons known as the Combaticons who were able to combine together to form a larger robot known as Bruticus. As a basic sized combiner limb, Brawl could become the arm or leg to any similar combiner Transformers; he was usually found to be the left leg of Bruticus.
According to the original character biography, Brawl is noisy, in possession of a hair-trigger temper, belligerent, and irritable. He is described as resistant to most conventional artillery. He shoots 200 Ibs TNT-equivalent shells from his turret, and twin sonic guns shoot 300-decibel bursts of concentrated sound energy. In robot mode, he wields 10-megawatt electron gun.
Marvel Comics
The Combaticons first U.S. appearance in issue #24 of the U.S. Marvel comics was unexplained in the American comic, however it is assumed that they were created in the same way as the Stunticons were through Bombshell's cerebro-shell attached to Optimus Prime tapping the energies of the Autobot Matrix of Leadership.
The company 'Energy Futures Industries' was a hydrothermocline plant which the Decepticons wanted to steal for their own energy resources. Megatron and the Combaticons launched an assault only to encounter the Protectobots and Optimus Prime. With both teams now combined into Bruticus and Defensor, the human Ethan Zachary offered a solution - that the two teams battled inside a computer program. Not wanting to destroy what they had come to steal Megatron agreed. Predictably the Combaticons' blood lust was turned against them as their disregard for the programs sentient beings led to Swindle and Brawl being destroyed by First Aid. However, the Decepticons still won as Optimus Prime felt he had cheated by endangering innocent life in the game and destroyed himself. Shortly after this Brawl made the mistake of questioning Megatron's belief that Prime was still alive. The increasingly deranged Decepticon leader crushed Brawl's head with his bare hands.[1][2]
Brawl would continue to make sporadic appearances throughout the U.S. and UK comics, clashing twice more with the Protectobots as Bruticus and attacking the Autobot leadership contest between Grimlock and Blaster. The Combaticons were not shown to be deactivated by the Underbase powered Starscream, but as they were not seen again in the G1 comic, it is likely.
Brawl made an appearance in the Decepticon forces under the command of Megatron in issue #7 of the Marvel Generation 2 comic series, in a story called "New Dawn." Megatron lead his Decepticons against Jhiaxus' second generation Cybertronians near the moon of Tykos. The Decepticons were defeated and Megatron left injured, presumed dead, but swearing revenge.[3]
Animated series
Brawl was originally a Decepticon criminal that had his personality component extracted by Shockwave. In "Starscream's Brigade" he was one of five later recovered by Starscream, exiled from the Decepticons after one clash too many with Megatron. Hitting on the idea of creating his own loyal troops from the wrecked vehicles left on Guadalcanal after World War II battles there, he installed their personality components into the rebuilt vehicles, thus creating the Combaticons, with Brawl having the alternate mode of a Leopard 1 tank. After a series of attacks on both Autobots and Decepticons, they were defeated by Menasor and exiled to space.
In "The Revenge of Bruticus", ridding themselves of Starscream they would then attempt to conquer Cybertron, defeating Shockwave's army, and then attempt to destroy Earth by sending it towards the sun. They were eventually stopped by Optimus Prime, Megatron and Starscream, but they survived - under Megatron's control.
While he would mostly appear as part of the Combaticons, the episode "B.O.T." would spotlight Swindle and Brawl near exclusively. After a gestalt-on-gestalt battle between Bruticus and Defensor the Combaticons' combined form was demolished, with only Swindle remaining intact. The ever opportunistic Swindle took the opportunity to sell his comrades' parts - much to the fury of Megatron. Recovering all but Brawl's personality component, Megatron had him fitted with a bomb to give him extra "motivation". Eventually he located it installed in a high school science project called B.O.T. (which had gone on the rampage due to Brawl's influence). Eventually recovering Brawl's personality components the Combaticons merged into Bruticus, but were stopped by Defensor, forcing them to flee.
Brawl would continue to appear in a limited capacity throughout the third season.
Brawl appeared in the 1986 Ladybird Books story Decepticon Hideout by John Grant.[4]
Dreamwave Productions

War Within Brawl
Dreamwave Productions' 21st century re-imagining of the Generation 1 universe took its inspiration for the Combaticons from the original animated series, casting them as Decepticon prisoners who were reduced to protoform stasis because they were too dangerous to be released.
Onslaught, Brawl, Blast Off and Vortex originally appeared as part of Shockwave's attack on Iacon in the first War Within series. At the same time Swindle was with Starscream, Motormaster, Runabout and Runamuck after Starscream had sent Megatron and Optimus Prime down further into the depths of Cybertron.
Later, when Optimus Prime led a rebellion against Shockwave's domination of Cybertron in 2003, Starscream took the opportunity to form a power base, taking the protoform Combaticons to Earth and outfitting them with new alternate modes taken from an abandoned military base, then leading them in an attack on the Ark in order to acquire parts to make the Decepticon space cruiser, the Nemesis, space worthy. Confronted in battle by Brawn, Bruticus was caught in an explosion as Ratchet self-destructed the Ark, but he survived the conflagration, only to be knocked out by artillery fire from an incoming Autobot shuttle. After a battle with the evil clone, Sunstorm, Brawn opted to work out some of his stress on Bruticus's unconscious body, punching him about the head until his comrades yelled at him to stop. Bruticus would return, battling Sky Lynx for Starscream's amusement - until the Predacons appeared in their combined form of Predaking. The two gestalts battled as Starscream fled and Bruticus lost. The ultimate fate of the Combaticons in the Dreamwave universe was not revealed, due to the company's closure.
Devil's Due Publishing
Brawl would appear in the third G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers crossover from Devil's Due Publishing as part of the Decepticon force trying to hold back the combined Autobot/G.I. Joe force trying to rescue Optimus Prime.
IDW Publishing
Banzai-Tron, Gutcruncher, Axer and the Combaticons help Arcee attempt to recapture Monstructor.[5]
Fun Publications
Nine million years in the past on Cybertron, Brawl is assigned to the Autobot Elite Guard Combaticon unit, designed to seek out and stop the leadership of the Decepticon forces.
The Elite Guard Alpha Team and Strike Team did battle against a horde of ferrovorous bugs in one of Cybertron's city-states. Magnum then ordered the Strike Team to escort the Alpha Team to Space Port Bravo for their next mission. The Strike Team then reported to Magnum and Sentinel Major, who introduced them to the new Elite Guard Special-Ops Team, also called the Combaticons.[6]
While on patrol Onslaught told Metalhawk the story of how his Elite Guard team captured Thunderwing. Metalhawk then told Onslaught about how his team captured Blue Bacchus. The teams of Elite Guardsmen then came across a Decepticon who was separated from his group. Brawl was able to get the location of a Decepticon base from the captive before he went offline. The Guard teams around the base and were able to kill Shadowcaster, the base's leader. Metalhawk's team reported to Magnum, but the Combaticons stayed to investigate, Onslaught thinking their victory was too easy. They were captured by Decepticons.[7]
Metalhawk and his Strike Team were searching for Decepticons when they ran into a crazy "empty" who ranted about the coming of the "brute". They received a distress signal from Sentinel Major ordering all Elite Guard units to return base. When Metalhawk's team arrived at the base Ricochet told them of a Decepticon attack. Among the attackers are the Combaticions, but when Sentinel Major orders them to surrender, they combine into Bruticus and crush Sentinel Major. [8]
When most of the members of the Autobot Elite Guard confronted Bruticus they were nearly wiped out, with Bruticus killing most of the Guard. Dion was able to blind Bruticus, forcing it to separate into the Combaticons, but the Combaticons finished off most of the remaining Guard, including Metalhawk, who was killed by Onslaught. This left only Dion alive, buried in the rubble, and Thunderclash's team, which was off planet at the time. [9]
Video games
Brawl will appear in Transformers: War for Cybertron as a playable character. He is playable only in the first level, but also has slight involvement in the third.
In the Nintendo DS game Transformers: War for Cybertron - Decepticons Megatron and Brawl are the two initial character playable in the game, all other being unlocked later.
- Generation 1 Combaticon Brawl (1986)
- This toy could form any arm or leg of any of the "Scramble City" style combiners, but usually formed the left leg of Bruticus.
- This toy was later redecoed as Robots in Disguise Armorhide.
- Generation 1 Kabaya Gum Brawl & Vortex (1986)
- Part of the original gum toy series by Kabaya and bundled with Vortex. Two additional packs (Onslaught and Blast Off & Vortex) are needed to complete Bruticus. Each package comes with a stick of chewing gum and an easy-to-assemble kit. The completed robot looks and transforms almost the same as the larger, original Takara version.[10]
- Generation 2 Combaticon Brawl
- The original Brawl toy was recolored in military camouflage colors for the Generation 2 toy line.[11]
- Universe Generation 1 Series Scout Brawl (2009)
- A redeco of Energon Kickback and Blight. Only sold as a Universe toy in some foreign markets. This toy was sold as Revenge of the Fallen Brawl in the United States.
Transformers: Energon
In 2005 Brawl was the Japanese name of a Destructicon combiner limb who was able to combine with the other four Destructicons to become Bruticus Maximus. In the U.S. he was called Kickback. The character was a clear homage to Generation 1 Brawl.
Transformers (film)
Brawl | |
[[File:![]() Brawl Poster. | |
Decepticon | |
Information | |
Sub-group(s) | Cyber Slammers, Deluxe Vehicles, Fast Action Battlers, Leader Vehicles, Micro Vehicles, Scouts |
Function | Loudmouthed Artillery Gunner |
Partners | Bonecrusher, Blast Off, Onslaught, Swindle, and Vortex |
Alternate Modes | Cybertronian Tank, Modified M1 Abrams Tank, Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard |
Series | Transformers film series Transformers (2010) |
English voice actor | David Sobolov (video game) |
Brawl appears in the live-action film as a modified variant of the M1 Abrams tank, with a secondary dual turret and other cannons to evoke his G1 persona. He is described as "a very pissed off Decepticon" and always looking for a fight. Brawl is the only Transformer in the movie who does not appear in any of the trailers (except for a very brief shot of his tank mode).
Early leaked versions of the script gave the name "Brawl" to the Decepticon police car, but that character was later changed to Barricade, with the name Brawl being given to a tank character more fitting to his Generation 1 namesake. He is heavily-armed, having 8 missile launchers (four on each shoulder), a quad-mounted 37mm cannon on his right forearm, and a small dual blade ('Ripper Blade') and Gatling gun on his left forearm (though he never got the chance to use either). He has the most weapons of any Transformer seen in this continuity. Overall, his appearance (especially that of his head) greatly resembles Tankor, the Vehicon Tank Drone commander from Beast Machines.
According to Picture Vehicle Coordinator Steve Mann, the filming prop of Brawl was a redress of tank prop made for another film [2]. Specifically, it was the M1 Abrams 'stealth tank' seen in the film xXx: State of the Union.
Name change
There is some mix-up over his name: the toys and video games list his name as Brawl, but in the film itself, and the official movie novelization, his name is Devastator. He refers to himself as Devastator in the movie subtitles. According to Roberto Orci, one of the writers of the movie, and Hasbro's Transformers team, "Devastator" is the mistake, and that the character is supposed to be named Brawl. The official names of all the Transformers seen in the film were confirmed in August 2006, nearly a year before the film's North American release date. However, director Michael Bay was not fully aware of these names and sometimes referred to some of them by their "on-set names". (He said in an interview, that he often referred to Frenzy as "Soundbyte".) Thus, on-set he would refer to the tank Decepticon as "Devastator". Somehow, the name made its way into the final cut of the film. Director Michael Bay favored the name Devastator, as he felt that it sounded more threatening than Brawl. [3] The early leaked script Prime Directives had him named Devastator, as does the Titan U.K. magazine. Concept art for the character named him "Demolishor", as the name Brawl (in concept art) went to Barricade. In Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the name "Devastator" is given to the robot created from the combining Constructicons, as is the case in previous Transformers continuities.
IDW Publishing
In Transformers: Defiance the planet Cybertron is invaded by aliens from the Eshems Nebula and Brawl is among the defenders in the city of Metrotitan, near the temple at Simfur. In issue #3 Brawl was among the troops under the command of Starscream ordered by Megatron to bring in Optimus and kill his companions.
Brawl appeared among the Decepticons under the command of Starscream in the second Transformers movie prequel comic, printed by Target stores. After Megatron left in pursuit of the Allspark, Starscream, Bonecrusher, Brawl, Blackout, Barricade (presumably with Frenzy), Scorponok and Wreckage followed, eventually arriving on Earth. Landing in Afghanistan, took on Earth vehicle forms. Presumably, Devastator went into hiding as a tank until he was called on by Starscream in the film.
During Captain Archibald Witwicky's vision of the future, he was in tank mode, firing at the Autobots.
In Transformers: Alliance #2 the bodies of Brawl, Blackout and Megatron are seen being loaded onto trucks at the Nevada desert for disposal in the ocean.
Titan Magazines
Note: Information in italics occure in the alternate storyline where Megatron won the battle for the Allspark.
Brawl appears in the second Titan Transformers Magazine strip. Summoned by Megatron to deal with Ratchet, Jazz and Ironhide after they waylay his pursuit of the Allspark, Brawl attacks them full on. Impervious to the Autobot firepower, he then deploys a foldspace warhead. Oblivious to his own fate, Brawl seemingly eliminates all of them.
Issue #4 picked up on Brawl's fate, establishing him as marooned on a devastated world and low on energy. Despite this, Brawl was even more aggressive than normal, randomly annihilating large chunks of the city. This was due to an energy field created by the previous inhabitants of the planet that caused them to annihilate themselves. Homing in on the energy source, Brawl seemingly encountered Starscream, Barricade and Bonecrusher. They attacked him and he seemingly killed them. He then tapped into the energy field and left the planet.
Brawl appeared in issue #7 if the Transformers Titan Magazine in a story called "Starscream's Militia". He was seemingly brought to life by Starscream using the sparks of Allspark mutations. He was immediately killed again by the Autobots.
Brawl attacks Baltimore issue #23 of the Titan Transformers Magazine series in a story called "Revolution Part 1"
Movie plot
Brawl is first seen in the film rallying with the other Decepticons to Starscream's call, disguised as a M1 Abrams tank. He is in the highway chase with Barricade, and Bonecrusher. He is later seen during the final battle, announcing his arrival by firing at the Autobots and US soldiers in the streets. Ironhide attacks him with his missiles while performing a Helix twist dodge maneuver, while Jazz leaps onto his frame, pulls on his main cannon causing him to miss, forcing Brawl to transform. With his sheer strength, Brawl pulls Jazz off with one hand and throws him against a building. Ironhide distracts Brawl, while Ratchet leaps in and attacks Brawl, cutting off one of his arms. Brawl collapses, seemingly beaten (although the most likely assumption is that he was just stunned, as he was not shot by Ratchet or Captain William Lennox and his team in his most vulnerable part—the chest), minutes later, Megatron lands in a nearby alley. He quickly recovers and rises again when Megatron enters the battle. Brawl continues to mercilessly engage the human forces, until Bumblebee attacks Brawl, still attached to the tow truck driven by Mikaela. Bumblebee shoots him several times in the chest which, combined with shots fired by the human forces, is enough to kill him completely. His dead body was later disposed off the Laurentian Abyss.
The book Transformers - Meet The Decepticons by Jennifer Frantz had a slightly different ending than the movie. This book had all six Decepticons leaving Earth together after being defeated by the Autobots, instead of having most of their numbers die. In this book they used the name Brawl for the character.
Video game
Brawl appears in the video game tie-in. He appears as a boss faced by Ironhide in the Autobot campaign, as the one that killed Jazz as opposed to Megatron in the movie (in the Decepticon campaign, it was Barricade that killed Jazz). In the Decepticon campaign he appears as an ally that has to be escorted out of human military. His deluxe toy is among the 'bonus features' pictures in the game. In the Nintendo DS and PSP adaptation of the game Brawl is a playable character. In the Decepticon campaign he appears in a cutscene with Megatron in the throne room (which was once the Lincoln Memorial) with also Starscream while being requested by saying "Finish this planet, we are done here" while Barricade walks. In Transformers: Decepticons, Brawl has a child-like personality.[12]
- Transformers Legends Decepticon Brawl (2007)
- A Legends class figure with a new mold. Sold in a 2-pack with Legends Class Rescue Ratchet.[13]
- Transformers Cyber Slammers Decepticon Brawl (2007)
- A Scout Class toy designed for younger children, with a very simple transformation and a pull back motor. The upper portion of the vehicle pops up into robot mode when it hits an object.
- Transformers Fast Action Battlers Double Missile Decepticon Brawl (2007)
- A Deluxe-class transforming toy designed for younger children.
- Transformers Fast Acton Battlers Deep Desert Brawl (2008)
- A redeco of Fast Action Battlers Brawl.[14]
- Transformers Deluxe Class Decepticon Brawl (2007)
- A well detailed version of Brawl. It had universal problems with shoulder pegs not properly fitting onto the body.[15]
- This toy was sold individually in general retail, and in a special 3-pack at Sams club which included Movie Deluxe Bonecrusher, Brawl and Jazz.
- A real M1 Abrams tank is 366 centimeters wide, while this toy is 6 centimeters wide. This makes it about 1/61 scale.
- In late 2007 a special bonus pack was sold with Ultimate Bumblebee packaged together with Deluxe Decepticon Brawl and Scorponok.[16]
- Transformers Deluxe Decepticon Brawl Repaint (2008)
- A Target exclusive, packaged in robot mode and inside a clear, cylindrical package. Features light blue highlights on parts of the robot's body to simulate the Allspark's effects.
- Transformers Leader Decepticon Brawl (2007)
- A highly detailed version of Brawl in the same class Optimus Prime and Megatron that appears after the film's debut. Features Advanced Automorph technology, as well as light and sound effects on his turret and missile launchers. Unlike Optimus Prime (whose head is limited to side rotation) and Megatron (whose head is fixed), Brawl's head is connected to his body via ball joint, which gives a wider range of head articulation.[17]
- A real M1 Abrams tank is 366 centimeters wide, while this toy is 10.5 centimeters wide. This makes it about 1/35 scale. He would stand about 26 feet tall.
- Transformers 3D Battle Card Game Decepticon Brawl (2007)
- Brawl is among the characters which appeared in the 1st wave of Transformers 3D Battle Card Game by Wizards of the Coast.
- Transformers Leader Deep Desert Brawl (2008)
- A redeco of Leader Class Brawl in tan with blue highlights. "Saturated with power from the AllSpark and freed from the influence of MEGATRON, DECEPTICON BRAWL disappeared into the rugged land around the Hoover Dam. Making his way over the course of months to the most troubled spot on Earth, he adapted his vehicle mode to the new environment, went to ground and waited. Hiding in the deep desert, he soaks up energy from the blazing sun, and emerges only to satisfy his hunger for destruction by attacking and annihilating human convoys and armored columns. He is a ghost in the desert, attacking randomly and without reason, and disappearing before human air power can arrive to track him. To those living in the region, he is a myth, but to those few who survive his attacks he is a monster." . Like Jungle Attack Bonecrusher, it is unknown if this will affect the sequels.
- Revenge of the Fallen Deluxe Desert Blast Brawl (2009)
- A redeco of the Deluxe class toy in desert camo colors.[18]
- Revenge of the Fallen Titanium 3 inch Off Road Ironhide vs. Deep Desert Brawl (2009)
- A Toys "R" Us store exclusive. Redecos of the Ironhide and Brawl figures, which are non-poseable and non-transformable.[19]
- Revenge of the Fallen Scout Decepticon Brawl (2009)
- Part of the target combiner set for Bruticus Maximus. A repackage of Universe Brawl.
- Revenge of the Fallen Robot-Powered Machines Decepticon Brawl (2009)
- A non-transformable diecast tank the size of a Hot Wheels car. Bundled with Autobot Jazz.
- Transformers Desert Ruins Brawl Deluxe Decepticon Brawl (2010)
- A gift set featuring a yellow camouflage redeco of Deluxe Brawl and a silver redeco of Legends Jolt.
Transformers: Prime
Brawl | |
[[File:|250px]] ' | |
Decepticon | |
Information | |
Sub-group(s) | Combaticons, Deluxe Vehicles |
Partners | Blast Off, Onslaught, Swindle, and Vortex |
Alternate Modes | Cybertronian Tank |
Series | Transformers: Generations |
English voice actor | Nolan North |
Brawl appears as a playable character in the 2010 game Transformers: War for Cybertron, taking the form of a tank. He is playable in the first level of the Decepticon campaign, Dark Energon, and makes a non-playable cameo later in the game, during the Iacon Destroyed level.[20]
Brawl is set to appear among the rest of the Combaticons in the 2012 video game Transformers: Fall of Cybertron.
- Generations Deluxe Brawl (2012)
- A new mold.[21]
- Generations Fall of Cybertron Deluxe Bruticus (2012)
- An SDCC 2012 exclusive Bruticus gift set. Colored to match be more Fall of Cybertron game accurate in colors than the retail release. The Brawl in this set was repurposed into Generation 1 Brawl in the IDW comics.
- ↑ "Transformers" #24 (December 1987)
- ↑ The Official Overstreet Comic Book Companion, 11th Edition, Page 257, by Robert M. Overstreet, 2010
- ↑ http://www.seibertron.com/comics/view.php?comic_id=113
- ↑ Decepticon Hideout. Ladybird Books. 1986. ISBN 072140989X.
- ↑ Spotlight: Sideswipe by IDW Publishing
- ↑ Jesse Wittenrich & Pete Sinclair (w), Dan Khanna (p), Frank Milkovich (i), Thomas Deer (col), Jesse Wittenrich (let), Pete Sinclair (ed). "The Coming Storm: Part 2" The Transformers Collectors Club 32 (April/May 2010), Fun Publications
- ↑ Jesse Wittenrich & Pete Sinclair (w), Dan Khanna (p), Frank Milkovich (i), Thomas Deer (col), Jesse Wittenrich (let), Pete Sinclair (ed). "The Coming Storm: Part 3" The Transformers Collectors Club 33 (June/July 2010), Fun Publications
- ↑ Jesse Wittenrich & Pete Sinclair (w), Dan Khanna (p), Josh Warner (i), Thomas Deer (col), Jesse Wittenrich (let), Pete Sinclair (ed). "The Coming Storm: Part 5" The Transformers Collectors Club 35 (Oct/Nov 2010), Fun Publications
- ↑ Jesse Wittenrich & Pete Sinclair (w), Dan Khanna (p), Josh Warner (i), Thomas Deer (col), Jesse Wittenrich (let), Pete Sinclair (ed). "The Coming Storm: Part 6" The Transformers Collectors Club 36 (Dec/Jan 2011), Fun Publications
- ↑ TFW2005.com - Kabaya Gum Bruticus
- ↑ Brereton, Erin (2006). Transformers: The Fantasy, The Fun, The Future. Triumph Books. p. 22. ISBN 1572439831.
- ↑ "Next Two Characters Revealed: Transformers War for Cybertron". IGN. http://uk.ds.ign.com/articles/108/1088362p1.html. Retrieved 2010-10-12.
- ↑ First Look at Legends Brawl vs Rescue Ratchet 2-Pack (Already in Philippines!) *UPDATE NEW PICS*
- ↑ FAB Desert Camo Brawl?
- ↑ TRANSFORMERS Movie Deluxe: DECEPTICON BRAWL- Product Detail
- ↑ Ultimate Bumblebee bonus pack with Deluxe Scorponok and Deluxe Brawl found!
- ↑ TRANSFORMERS Movie Leader: DECEPTICON BRAWL- Product Detail
- ↑ http://www.tf08.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=450
- ↑ http://www.the-arker.com/news_show.asp?info_id=2880&type1=%D0%C2%CE%C5%CB%D9%B5%DD
- ↑ http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Silverbolt-And-Brawl-Join-Transformers-War-For-Cybertron-Cast-24461.html
- ↑ [1]
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