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Blades is the name of three fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. They are both Autobot helicopters. Later versions of the figure were named "Autobot Blades" for trademark purposes.[1]

Transformers: Generation 1[]

Blades toy
Japanese name Graze
Sub-group(s) Micro Vehicles, Protectobots, Voyagers
Function Air Support
Partners Hot Spot, First Aid, Streetwise, Groove, Air Raid and Skydive
Motto "War is a dirty game... and I'm a dirty player!"
Alternate Modes UH-1 Iroquois Helicopter, Cybertronian Helicopter, Aerospatiale SA 365 Dauphin N2 Helicopter
Series Transformers: Generation 1
Transformers: Generation 2
Transformers: Universe
English voice actor Frank Welker

Blades (known as Cut (Russian: Порез, Porez) in Russian version of TV series) is one of the Protectobots who are an emergency, search and rescue team of five Autobots in the Transformers toyline. They transform into civilian service and emergency vehicles and combine to form the gestalt robot Defensor.[2]

A "rough and tough" warrior who prefers close combat with his enemies. Often at odds with the other, more peace-loving Protectobots.[3]

Marvel Comics[]

Blades first appeared in issue #24 of the U.S. Marvel series, "Afterdeath!", with no origin given to any of the Protectabots.

He last appeared in issue #36 of the Marvel series, called "Spacehikers".

While he was a minor background character in the U.S. stories, Blades played a very prominent role in the U.K. Transformers/Action Force crossover story "Ancient Relics", where he was sent to London by Grimlock to find Blaster and Goldbug, only to run into the Action Force - and Megatron!

Blades continued to appear in the Marvel Generation 2 series, first appearing in issue #1, "War Without End!". He last appeared in issue #6, "The Gathering Darkness."

Animated series[]

The Protectabots first appeared in the second season of the animated series with no origin given.

The Protectobots were last seen supporting Ultra Magnus in a last ditch effort to stop Galvatron in the fourth season. It is assumed that they were restored along with Ultra Magnus when the Golden Age of Cybertron was ushered in.

Blades appears in episode #27 of the Japanese Headmasters series, called "The Miracle Warriors - The Targetmasters (Part 1)." Spike orders the Protectabots, Technobots and Trainbots to destroy the abandoned Decepticon headquarters on Earth. Combined into Defensor, Computron and Raiden the Autobots quickly demolish the building.

Dreamwave Productions[]

The Protectobots are featured in their Cybertronian forms in the second installment of the War Within comic series. In this chapter of Transformer history (which takes place long before contact with Earth), the Protectobots are a vigilante squad of peacekeepers. While loosely affiliated with the Autobots, they are a splinter group (as are most other special teams).

In issue #2 of the third Generation One series, titled "Black Sunshine", the Protectabots were ordered by Prowl to investigate the energy anomaly created by Sunstorm escaping Shockwave's abandoned secret lab. When they arrived they discovered the hole left in the roof by Sunstorm and the deactivated Battlechargers Runabout and Runamuck. Streetwise reported back to Prowl as First Aid repaired the Decepticons.

IDW Publishing[]

Blades appeared in issue #2 of Megatron Origin. In this story, set on ancient Cybertron Blades was a member of an Autobot security force in the city of Kaon. His squad was hunting the operators of gladiatorial contests in the degenerate slums, particularly Megatron.



Blades toy

  • Generation 1 Protectobot Blades (1986)
Blades was redecoed as the Autobot Fly-Up in 1992, part of the Guard City set.[4]
  • Generation 2 Protectobot Blades (unreleased)
Prototypes of redecos of all the Protectabots were released for the Generation 2 toy line, but they never made it to general release. The few that were produced are considered highly collectible.[5]
  • Universe Classic Series Voyager Autobot Blades (2008)
A redeco of Cybertron Voyager Evac. The back of the package for Blades shows him with a Planet X style Cyber Key, but the toy itself comes with an Autobot Cybertron Cyber Key. The fusilage length of the actual helicopter Blades is based on is 11.64 meters long, where the larger Blades toys has a fusilage 26 centimeters long, giving it a scale of about 1:44. Using this information would indicate Blades would stand about 23 feet tall in robot mode.
  • Universe Legends Autobot Blades (2008)
A redeco of Cybertron Legends Evac. Packaged with several other Legends redecos. A Target store exclusive. The Micro class version of the toy is only 10.5 centimeters long, giving it a scale of about 1:110.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen[]

The vehicle that inspired Blades
Sub-group(s) Micro Vehicles
Partners Jetfire
Alternate Modes V-22 Osprey
Series Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Part of a Legends 4 pack, partnered with Jetfire. According to the bio on the package he fought the Decepticon Spinister.


  • Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen Legends Autobot Blades (2009)
A redeco of Legends Springer.

Transformers: Prime (Rescue Bots)[]

Sub-group(s) Rescue Force Sigma 17
Partners Dani Burns
Alternate Modes Cybertronian car, Helicopter
Series Transformers: Rescue Bots
English voice actor Parvesh Cheena

Blades is one of the four Rescue Bots who are part of Rescue Force Sigma 17 under Heatwave's command. Much like the G1 character Silverbolt, Blades has a fear of heights.

Sometime in the future, Hasbro plans to introduce characters like Blades in Transformers: Prime, which takes place in the same continuity as Rescue Bots.

Animated series[]

Blades landed on Earth with the others. He was the last to acquire a vehicle form and was surprised that his vehicle mode could fly as he was afraid of heights.

He is partnered up with Dani Burns.


  • Rescue Bots Blades


  2. Alvarez, J.E. (2001). The Unofficial Guide to Transformers 1980s Through 1990s Revised & Expanded 2nd Edition. Schiffer Publishing Ltd.. p. 44. ISBN 0-7643-1364-9. 
  3. "Blades (Autobot Protectobots, Transformers G1)". Retrieved 2008-11-29. 
  4. Alvarez, J.E. (2001). The Unofficial Guide to Japanese and International Transformers. Schiffer Publishing Ltd.. p. 23. ISBN 0-7643-1282-0. 
  5. Transformers Generation 2:, by Karl Hartman, Hasbro Transformers Collectors Club magazine, issue #26, April 2009/May 2009, page 3
  • Furman, Simon (2004). Transformers: The Ultimate Guide. DK Publishing Inc.. p. 67. ISBN 1-4053-0461-8. 
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